Project management and projects

Reference objects:
*  Juurdeveo 22a Tallinn apartment house construction and architectural project and other project parts (water, sewage, heating, ventilation, electricity) project management (total net area ca 400 m2)
*  Detached house in Saue, Põlluääre tee construction and architectural project and other project parts (water, sewage, heating, ventilation, electricity) project management (ca 160m2)
* A- Orbu syrup factory in Saaremaa construction project and other project parts (water, sewage, heating, ventilation, electricity) project management (net area ca 200 m2)
*  Farm in Haljava construction and architectural project and other project parts project management (total net area ca 4500m2)
* Heritage protected house reconstruction in Paide, Tallinna mnt 60.  Construction project and other project parts consultations  (ca 400m2)
Semidetached houses in Kiili 10 boxes construction project (total net area ca 1100m2)
*  Nõmme tee 2, Uusküla village construction and architectural project and other project parts (water, sewage, heating, ventilation, electricity) project management (ca 140m2)
*  Tööstuse 43, Tallinn roof reconstruction project (floor area net ca 1000m2)
*  Kaupmehe street 2 roof floor reconstruction project (floor area ca 400m2).
* Kaevu 2, Tallinn heritage-protected house reconstruction construction project (ca 400m2)
* Paelrohu tee 11 private house construction and architectural project  (ca 150m2)
*  Kreutzwaldi 25, Türi town private house. Reconstruction construction and architectural project   (ca 150m2)
* Mäe street Tallinnas constructive project (ca 300m2)
* Detached house in Vaela construction project (ca 300m2)
* Animal shelter in Pärnu. Project management for building design (ca 600m2)
* Narva mnt 48 Tallinn construction project (ca 1100m2)
* Tallinn Musical School ca 2300 m2 reconstruction project of a heritage house.
* Tuukri 1a ca 8500m2 apartment and office building. 
* Uus-Tatari 25 ca 3900 m2 office building. Reconstruction of an old hospital building.
*  Hariduse 12 ca 1800 m2 apartment building. Reconstruction of an old factory house.
* Museum of Tartu ca 1500m2 museum building. Reconstruction of a heritage house.

Building as the main contractor and building project management
*  Juurdeveo 22a Tallinn apartment house construction (net area ca 400 m2)
*  Nõmme tee 2, Uusküla village, private house construction (area ca 140 m2)
* Uusküla village Nõmme tee street sewage, water and drainage construction (ca 400 m)
* Mäe 22, Türi private house construction (ca 120m2)

* Silikaltsiidi 3f, Tallinn building part load-carrying ability expert opinion
* Appartement situation expert opinion in Kuhlbarsi street Tallinn

Building surveillance
*  Private house in Saue construction surveillance (ca 160m2)
*  Farm building in Haljava. Construction surveillance (ca 4500 m2)
* Appartement building in Tallinna Taime str.  Construction surveillance (ca 500m2)
* Appartement building in Tallinna Madara str. Construction surveillance (ca 940m2)
* Appartement building in Põltsamaa. Construction surveillance (ca 600m2)

Real estate development
* Nõmme tee street, Uusküla village 11 private house plots
* Juurdeveo 22a, Tallinn apartment house development (ca 400m2)